Party Position

On follow up of our last NEC meeting held at Chui House Nairobi 17th July 2024. The NEC has today met and deliberated on the previous resolution regarding joining the government by a section of Azimio Coalition members.
In view of the prevailing circumstances, the NEC has resolved to stand by the previous resolution and hereby authorize the party leader to communicate to Azimio Council at the next meeting that our party, DAP-K requests that those parties that have joined the government should formally exit Azimio one Kenya Coalition Party and allow the Azimio fraternity continue as opposition. Failure to which DAP-K and other affiliate parties shall be at liberty to exit Azimio.
Reconstitution of IEBC remails our top priority to enable formation of the new commission urgently. It is our intention as a party to continue as opposition to ensure the continued high cost of living as exemplified by the continued levy of unfair taxes such as road maintenance levy are defeated. To ensure fidelity to our National Constitution by all and especially the security organs of the country. We say NO to poor governance, NO to tribalism, NO to corruption in our clarion call of TAWE! Because DAP-K is TAWE and TAWE is DAP-K.
We now embark on re-branding of our party, National Membership recruitment drive, and grassroots elections in preparation for the next General Election where DAP-K shall field candidates in all positions from MCA to Presidency.